.netCHARTING v10.2 Documentation Send comments on this topic.
Chart Type Anatomy 101
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Getting Started > General Tutorials > Chart Type Anatomy 101

Glossary Item Box


Chart types are constructed using several settings. Among them, the most significant are:

These properties work in concert to provide unprecedented flexibility. 

Chart Types

The most fundamental property, Chart.Type, determines the generic layout of series and in the case of pie, and radar, a type of chart. Axis scales further contribute to how elements are laid out, i.e. (Stacked). The series type determines how the series are drawn (line, bar, etc.).


Chart.Type = ChartType.Radar;
[Visual Basic]

Chart.Type = ChartType.Radar



Combo Chart Type

This chart type supports all the series types. It is vertically oriented so the y axis (value axis) can only contain numeric or time values while the x axis can also contain names of elements (category axis).

Supported Series Types

  • All

 Element values (properties) used on the (Y Axis).

  • YValue
  • YValueStart
  • YDateTime
  • YDateTimeStart
  • BubbleSize
  • Complete
  • (Financial: Open Close High Low)

  Element values used on the (X Axis).

  • XValue
  • XDateTime
  • Name 




ComboHorizontal Chart Type

This chart types is horizontally oriented so the x axis can only contain numeric or time values. It is the same as the Combo type except it's oriented horizontally.

Supported Series Types

  • All (New in version 3.4)


Notice the X and Y properties are switched
  Element values used on the (Y Axis).

  • XValue
  • XDateTime
  • Name 

 Element values used on the (X Axis).

  • YValue
  • YValueStart
  • YDateTime
  • YDateTimeStart
  • BubbleSize
  • Complete
  • Element.Parent  (Gantt Dependencies)
  • Element.InstanceID (Gantt Dependencies)
  • Element.ParentID (Gantt Dependencies)
  • (Financial: Open Close High Low)


Notice that the axes element values are reversed for this chart type, meaning the element XValue actually goes on the Y axis. The reason for this is so that if you change between vertical and horizontal chart types, the result will be the same.




ComboSideBySide Chart Type

This chart type is similar to combo but series are placed side by side and the x axis tick labels show series names instead of element names. This layout can be achieved in a normal combo chart by transposing the data.

Supported Series Types

  • All

  Element values used on the (Y Axis).

  • YValue
  • YValueStart
  • YDateTime
  • YDateTimeStart
  • BubbleSize
  • Complete
  • (Financial: Open Close High Low)

  Element values used on the (X Axis).

  • None (Series.Name us used)




ShowPie & Donut

Pie Chart Type

Shows a single pie consisting of all the series added to the chart where each slice represents a series.

Supported Series Types

  • N/A

  Element values used on the (Y Axis).

  • YValue

 Element values used on the (X Axis).

  • N/A

 Related properties:

  • Element.ForceMarker
  • Element.ExplodeSlice
  • Chart.PieLabelMode
  • Chart.ExplodedSliceAmount
  • Chart.DonutHoleSize (Donut Only)
  • Chart.XAxis.OrientationAngle


Notice that the series are slices when using this chart type, hence, if only a single series is used, the chart will have a single 100% slice. To see each element use the plural ChartType.Pies.



PiesNested Chart Type

Shows a series of nested pies.


The width of each ring can also reflect the series total values when Chart.YAxis.Scale = Scale.Stacked is used. Alternatively Series.DefaultElement.BubbleSize can be used to specify ring widths and will be applied when these properties are set.

When Scale.Normal is used, the pies are not stacked, the ring width of each pie is measured from the middle point of the pies. This means that if two series have the same ring width, one will completely cover the other.

In this mode, SpacingPercentageNested is not applicable.

Supported Series Types

  • N/A

  Element values used on the (Y Axis).

  • YValue
  • Series.DefaultElement.BubbleSize (Control ring widths).

 Element values used on the (X Axis).

  • N/A

 Related properties:

  • Element.ForceMarker
  • Chart.SpacingPercentageNested
  • Chart.PieLabelMode




Radar Chart Type

Draws all series on a single radar. Both x and y axes are used. The x axis surrounds the radar and the y axis goes from the center to the outside.

Using this type will force each series to share a single x axis.
Supported Series Types
  • Marker
  • Line
  • AreaLine
  • Bubble
  • Column

  Element values used on the (Y Axis).

  • YValue
  • YValueStart
  • YDateTime
  • YDateTimeStart
  • BubbleSize

 Element values used on the (X Axis).

  • Name
  • XValue
  • XDateTime

 Related properties:

  • Chart.RadarLabelMode
  • Axis.RadarMode
  • Chart.XAxis.OrientationAngle
Polar Charts
The radar chart can support standard spider and polar axes. If the x axis uses a category scale, the default will be a spider axis (resembling a spider web). If the axis uses a numeric or time axis, the type will default to Polar. The type can also be specified explicitly using:
Chart.XAxis.RadarMode = RadarMode.Polar;
[Visual Basic]
Chart.XAxis.RadarMode = RadarMode.Polar
Lines on polar charts will appear as curves. This is a feature which helps determine the actual values of lines along along the width of the lines.



MultipleGrouped Chart Type

Draws all series as elements of a single object such as types specified by SeriesTypeMultiple.

Supported Series Types (SeriesTypeMultiple)
  • FunnelCone
  • FunnelPyramid
  • Pyramid
  • Cone
  • Pie
  • Donut
  • Gauge
  • StackedBubble (Uses Element.YValue, not Element.BubbleSize)

  Element values used on the (Y Axis).

  • YValue

 Related properties:

  • Chart.FunnelNozzlePercentage
  • Chart.FunnelNozzleWidthPercentage
  • Chart.SpacingPercentage
  • Chart.BubbleStackShadeAsOne
  • Chart.BubbleCenterStack


Gauges Chart Type

Shows each series as a gauge. Each can be a different GaugeType.


Please refer to the Gauges Tutorial for detailed documentation.



Donuts Chart Type

The series are laid out in a way that allows for the maximum space usage. One donut for each series.

Supported Series Types
  • N/A

  Element values used on the (Y Axis).

  • YValue
  • Height (2D Only)

 Element values used on the (X Axis).

  • N/A


 Related properties:

  • Element.ForceMarker
  • Element.ExplodeSlice
  • Chart.PieLabelMode
  • Chart.ExplodedSliceAmount
  • Chart.DonutHoleSize
  • Chart.XAxis.OrientationAngle
  • Element.Outline



Radars Chart Type

Shows a radar for each series in the chart.


Supported Series Types
  • Marker
  • Line
  • AreaLine
  • Bubble
  • Column

  Element values used on the (Y Axis).

  • YValue
  • YValueStart
  • YDateTime
  • YDateTimeStart
  • BubbleSize

 Element values used on the (X Axis).

  • Name
  • XValue
  • XDateTime

 Related properties:

  • Chart.RadarLabelMode
  • Axis.RadarMode
  • Chart.XAxis.OrientationAngle
Polar Charts
The radar chart can support standard spider and polar axes. If the x axis uses a category scale, the default will be a spider axis (resembling a spider web). If the axis uses a numeric or time axis, the type will default to Polar. The type can also be specified explicitly using:
Chart.XAxis.RadarMode = RadarMode.Polar;
[Visual Basic]
Chart.XAxis.RadarMode = RadarMode.Polar
Lines on polar charts will appear as curves. This is a feature which helps determine the actual values of lines along along the width of the lines.



Multiple Chart Type

Draws all series as individual objects. Different types are supported and can be specified by SeriesTypeMultiple for each series simultaneously. The benefit of this chart type is that it allows using different types such as pies, gauges, and the multiple types all on the same chart.

Supported Series Types (SeriesTypeMultiple)
  • FunnelCone
  • FunnelPyramid
  • Pyramid
  • Cone
  • Pie
  • Donut
  • Gauge
  • StackedBubble (Uses Element.YValue, not Element.BubbleSize)

  Element values used on the (Y Axis).

  • YValue

 Related properties:

  • Chart.FunnelNozzlePercentage
  • Chart.FunnelNozzleWidthPercentage
  • Chart.StackedSpacingPercentage
  • Chart.BubbleStackShadeAsOne
  • Chart.BubbleCenterStack



Pies Chart Type

Shows a single pie for each series in the chart.

Supported Series Types

  • N/A

  Element values used on the (Y Axis).

  • YValue
  • Height (2D Only)
  • Length

 Element values used on the (X Axis).

  • N/A

 Related properties:

  • Element.ForceMarker
  • Element.ExplodeSlice
  • Chart.PieLabelMode
  • Chart.ExplodedSliceAmount
  • Chart.XAxis.OrientationAngle
  • Element.Outline




Organizational Chart Type

Shows an organizational chart based on the elements in the charts series collection.

Only Element annotations are used with this chart type. Annotation text can be specified but if left unpopulated, the element name text will be used inside the annotations.

An organizational chart has a single element at the top with no parent. Every other element will have either ParentID or Parent property set to indicate which other element it is under. All elements can be in a single series, however, the Series.Line property is used to draw connections between elements so multiple series can be used to group elements that use the same connecting line style.

Elements with no names or annotation text can be used to create more complex layouts by drawing a straight line through the location of the element as demonstrated in sample Gallery/M10

This type is explained in more detail in the Organizational Chart Tutorial.

Supported Series Types

  • N/A

  Element values used on the (Y Axis).

  • N/A

 Element values used on the (X Axis).

  • N/A

 Related properties:

  • Element.Annotation
  • Element.Parent
  • Element.InstanceID
  • Element.ParentID
  • Series.Line 




TreeMap Chart Type

TreeMap charts are used to display hierarchial tree structure data with nested rectangles. TreeMap charts can be created using live data or manually. The boxes support all bar shading effects and smart label layout. Series.Box can be used to control the styling and header of each series box.

This type is explained in more detail in the TreeMap Charts Tutorial.

Supported Series Types

  • N/A

  Element values used on the (Y Axis).

  • N/A

 Element values used on the (X Axis).

  • N/A

 Related properties:

  • Element.SmartLabel
  • Element.YValue
  • ChartArea.Padding
  • Series.Box
  • XAxis.Label




Surface Chart Type

The surface chart type enables visualizing 3d surface data. It provides a number of different visualizations and properties to tune them.

This type is explained in more detail in the Surface Tutorial.

Supported Series Types (SeriesTypeSurface)

  • Surface
  • Contour
  • SurfaceX
  • SurfaceY

Chart Properties

  • Chart.View3D.AngleOfTilt
  • Chart.View3D.AngleOfRotation
  • Chart.View3D.EnableLighting
  • Chart.ZAxis

Series Properties

  • Series.ZAxis
  • Series.Background
  • Series.Line

 Element values (properties) used on the (Y Axis).

  • YValue

  Element values used on the (X Axis).

  • XValue

  Element values used on the (Z Axis).

  • ZValue




Other chart types such as Bubble, Scatter, and Gantt are obsolete but available for legacy support. They default to Combo, Combo, and ComboHorizontal respectively and set other properties to resemble the legacy results.

ChartType.Financial is also obsolete and unnecessary. It is provided only for backward compatibility as well.

Series Types

The next major contributor to chart types is the series type. The above chart type list includes a section on supported series types for each. Different series types can be specified for each series simultaneously using the following chart types:

This allows you to create virtually unlimited number of different chart types.

SeriesType enumeration


mySeries.Type = SeriesType.Line;
[Visual Basic]

mySeries.Type = SeriesType.Line












SeriesTypeFinancial enumeration



mySeries.Type = SeriesTypeFinancial.CandleStick;
[Visual Basic]

mySeries.Type = SeriesTypeFinancial.CandleStick



SeriesTypeMultiple enumeration


This series type (SeriesTypeMultiple) applies to charts using ChartType.Multiple & ChartType.MultipleGrouped.

 SeriesTypeSurface enumeration



mySeries.Type = SeriesTypeSurface.Contour;
[Visual Basic]

mySeries.Type = SeriesTypeSurface.Contour




Axis Scales

Further customization is achieved by specifying an axis scale. Besides controlling the quantitative scale type, scales also dictate how series behave. For example an axis scale can specify that columns are stacked.

See also: Element Values & Axis Scales | Element Layout and Axes | Z Axis effect


As you can see, the final chart type is fundamentally based on three settings. This mix and match concept may be more complicated than a single property, however, the flexibility it provides makes it well worth understanding.

See Also

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